
Strategic Plan

A Roadmap for 2024 and Beyond


See The Future. Make It Happen.

Engage. Learn. Lead. Serve.

Our MISSION remains the same.
We educate the next generation of leaders to improve the health of our society.

Our singular VISION encapsulates multiple principles from the past.
ACPHS strives to be a global leader in preparing students for transformative health careers to solve problems that change the world.

Our CORE VALUES build on long-established tenets.
Student-centered, integrity, respect, collaboration, community and excellence.

Strategic Plan 2024-2029

Strategic Plan Overview

Strategic Plan 2019-2024


Strategic Plan Dashboard

Pillars and Goals

We have identified five pillars that reinforce our mission, vision and core values. They are the key priorities that will move our strategic plan forward. We have called it a roadmap because we recognize that with yearly reviews there will be the need to refocus and strategi